Tuesday, July 29, 2008

tuesday update

from davey:
All right, all right. I've had a few people tell me that they start going into withdrawal if there isn't a post, so I'll do my best to satisfy your craving (something about this makes me feel a little uncomfortable).

Apparently we overdid it a little on Sunday as Katie has pretty much been asleep since then. On Monday, Physical Therapy was in and had her sitting up in a chair for about 30min, but that was about it for the whole day. Sue did have a quick interaction with her in which Katie mentioned Sawyers name. This is good as she has been struggling with names (Katie that is, though Sue does tend to call Sawyer by the dogs name, Scooter).

We are anxiously waiting on Katie to wake up as we know we will have some more good interactions with her. Carlstrom was in this morning and gave us 10x more time than any previous visit (perhaps he's been following the blog and has read my posts. I'm sure he has nothing better to do). So in the 5 minutes he was here he said that the surgery is on for Wednesday. In fact he has ordered the skull piece to be thawed, and once it's thawed you can't re-freeze it (freezer burn I'm sure).

So if the surgery does not take place tomorrow for some reason, they will use some sort of plastic. He has ordered another CT scan today so we'll know a little more tomorrow as Carlstrom will come in and re-asses before the surgery. Once the surgery is complete we will be back in ICU for a day or two. So, I've been spending the day trying to pack up her current room. Sue had put up a bunch of bible verses on the wall, and I had posted some get well cards from the girls. We kept the plants that were salvageable but most of the cut flowers had to be dumped as ICU won't allow them (believe me I felt bad dumping them).

However, we were able to put some of the newer flowers in a waiting room and now it smells like a flower shop, and looks much better. Katie's vitals continue to be strong and there is still no sign of infection or pneumonia (both common in post surgery situations like ours). Hopefully she'll wake up later today and I'll be able to give you an evening update with some more good stories. And prayerfully we won't have to have a surgery tomorrow but rather a baptism as I lead a neurologist to the Lord.


Eryn said...

re- asses??? your hilarious dave, you have to find a way to get that word in somewhere, don't you?
re-access, is that what you meant?
thanks for the updates. we will be praying more heavily tomorrow for the surgery.

lyz said...

"...Carlstrom was in this morning and gave us 10x more time than any previous visit... So in the 5 minutes he was here..."

HA! Hilarious!!!

Anonymous said...


What I have written, I have written.


Meredith said...

you totally rock. glory to God, He used a donkey, right? smile.

hugs, mere

Shawna said...

Hey you two - it is reassess. So I guess that makes Dave closer to right than you eryn. Sorry. :)

Anonymous said...

is she still on medication for her blood pressure?

paulette said...


We will need deliverance because were co-dependant!! HA! HA!

SS said...

Hi. My name is Stephanie Sherrod and I went to school (K-12) with Katie. I am so sorry to hear about this situation.

Just thought I'd share that this exact thing happened to my friend Ashley in December of 2006. With Ashley, broadly speaking, it was a type of stroke - Hemorrhagic stroke .

More specifically though, they were thinking it was CNSV - Central Nervous System Vasculitis - http://www.vasculitisfoundation.org/centralnervoussystem.

However, I don't think she was ever officially diagnosed with that. She did have a brain biopsy last summer, which is the only way to confirm the diagnosis. The test results came back negative, however there is only a 25% success rate that the biopsy will correctly diagnose it.

Just wanted to mention this disease so you can look into it and see if it behind Katie's bleed. I think it is rare, but you never know!

Ashley is now back to her old self, and I have faith that Katie will fully recover as well. Good luck!

Eryn said...

sigh. i used to be so good at spelling! guess i have been around james too long!
thanks shawna.