Monday, August 18, 2008

Update from Dawn

Dawn is one of Katie's best friends. She is Mark's better half and together they are a huge part of Two Rivers Church. She spent this morning with Katie until I could get there. Here is what she told me in her own words.

Katie, as you saw when you first arrived, has been very concerned about if it's AM or PM and about the kids. She also woke up and said she was hoping it was Sunday b/c she was planning on going to church today. I told her that hopefully next Sunday she could go, which I (maybe in error) began telling her that next Sunday was the baptism. She said, "Oh, so Aubree...she was planning on that. I know I have her signed up for that, but I'm going to have to talk to Davey about that." It was such a normal conversation, that I told her that Rudy (Dawns adopted son) was planning on getting baptized as well, but I'm not sure if I have him on the list. Katie told me not worry and she was sure they would fit him in. I asked her if we had to write something for the kids to read before their baptism. She said, "I'm sure we need to help them write something...I know we did for Tayler when she was baptized." HOW FREAKING AWESOME is that?! Then another thing that she talked a lot about was her left eye. She talked about being frustrated and worried that her eye was just going to be like that. The nurse who we asked about getting her off that muscle relaxer explained that as the brain heals that the eye will improve and KT was very glad to hear that. Katie really wants you and Rob and Mark to pray for her eye to be healed today. I prayed for her as well and when I finished praying out loud, KT prayed total healing on her eye as well and gave the situation to God, trusted Him completely for healing and claimed God's promises over her healing. Very powerful. We tested the eye out when we were done praying, she said something to the effect of "Not, yet." But we remembered that God calls into existence things that are not yet...and we also remembered that the word of God does not go out to return empty and he will heal her vision (FYI - Katie's eye is looking better today, it's lining up better with the right one. Power of prayer). She is such a hard worker and doing great! She mentioned missing you many times this morning, but she also remembered that you are taking good care of the girls and that you "have a lot on your plate." Katie talked about her "brain bleed" and asked me when it happened if I though she was a "goner." I told her that I knew God would make her well. She smiled her beautiful smile. It is a humbling, powerful, wonderful thing to watch her in therapy and to see you and your family being so taken care of.


Eryn said...

so wonderful

Meredith said...

man...i left to soon! :)

Anonymous said...

What an amazing testimony to the power of prayer! I've been keeping up w/this blog and praying for Katie, Davey and the kids for a while now.

God is moving! I can't wait to hear about Katie's full restoration...I'm already praising God for it!

Tonya from Topeka, KS, friends w/Shawna

Unknown said...

How wonderful to read about God's power here. It's also so good to know exactly what to pray for! many thanks and blessings for all your hard work and encouragement. yep, this is encouraging!
Megan T., from Ocean Shores, friends of John and Ruth Bloom

Anonymous said...

Your tribulation has a purpose...

Jesus. I thank you just because You are you. Thank you for thinking of Katie when you went to the cross, not only for Katie's soul but you went to restore Katie's health and soul. I thank you for having every need covered. I thank you for strengthening Katie as she goes through the valley and as she follows you to the path of righteousness. She can walk through this valley of death if God is by her side and she shall fear no evil. Thank you God that you are with Katie. Your purposeful light will shine through this darkness.
Your promises are true to never leave or forsake Katie. Thank you God that you are preparing a table for Katie, a feast that will cause her health to rise.
You have chosen and anointed Katie and you no matter how far Katie falls she will get up again. Thank you God that you walk in front of us that your Mercy envelops us. We shall follow you no matter how deep in the valley You are.
All things in your life will work together for your good. God knows how to resurrect what once was dead. In the valley of dead bones is where the miracles happen and where God shows us He is faithful. Don't worry just hold on because joy comes in the morning. This trial will validate and strengthen you. The valley brings you to the base of the mountain and you will look back and say God was with me and stand strong. Behold all things are new, praise Him for his faithfulness!

Anonymous said...

I went to Twin Lakes Bible Camp with Katie years ago. Just wanted to let you know we have been following the blog from Day 1 and praying on a regular basis. We are praising God for work he has already done in restoring her and what he is yet to do in bringing her to completion. Thank you for keeping us updated. You all are a shining light and inspiring testimony of faith! Many of us are being blessed on this journey as well. We will continue to lift up Katie and family to the Lord. Aaron & Tamara (Hassman) Junker