Sunday, July 27, 2008

update from meredith - late sunday night

meredith here (again):

i don't think davey would mind me taking a moment to talk on this blog about my visit with katie tonight. if so, he knows where to find me...{grin}.

let me start by saying, i am continually amazed at the goodness of God.

when davey called me tonight with the update, it was un-believable. it was hard for me to believe that she was doing that good. last night, some friends & i went down to pray for katie. when we left she was sleeping and there was essentially no change. it was very hard to believe that she was sitting up & talking & aware of what was going on around her.

seeing is believing...

i headed down to the hospital & there she was sitting up in bed, telling secrets to the nurse. it was so amazing...almost like i was in a dream. she looked right at me (it seems her right eye is aligned, but the left is a little lazy) and tried to think who i was. something inside me jumped--it took my breath away. my first thought was just how beautiful she is--katie has this smile that lights up a room. i cannot begin to tell you how it filled me with joy to see that smile again.

there are so many things i could tell you, i just don't know where to start. it is funny, because davey said the exact same thing to me when he called. i am just amazed at how well she is tracking with everything. at one point it was katie, davey, & me in the room--when stacy came to visit, whom i hadn't met before. so i introduced myself & we shook hands, to which katie looks right at davey, points her finger & says, "rude, rude, rude!". we all laughed & so did katie.

the whole time i was there, she was trying to finish this was like she could start it, but not finish it. i could see her getting frustrated. at one point, i started to rub her head a bit--she said, "that feels good". this whole visit just renewed my joy in a God that never leaves or forsakes us (Deut 31:6)--not that it was low, but almost like now i am overflowing...i can't explain it.

my favorite part of the whole visit was when davey was getting ready to go. he leaned over & prayed for her healing, rubbing her head & kissing her cheek. the look on katie's face was...priceless. it is almost hard to find the right words for it, but with one touch of davey's hand peace, love, comfort & joy washed over katie's face. i wish my eyes were a camera so you could see this display of love that was so pure, so beautiful.

each day i am amazed at her progress...God through this situation is amazing. it is your prayers & love & support that are helping get her through. i am continually reminded of the verse in james, 'the prayers of a righteous man can accomplish much!'



paulette said...

He who began a good work in katie will faithful to complete it..

Jesus thank you you have everything covered.

Thank you jesus for being our Blood Brother.

Anonymous said...

So Awesome!!!...and this is only the beginning! I'm so glad she is doing so well...

Still Praying..

Anonymous said...

Shirley Sterk, Urbandale ...

Aahh......the mighty and amazing hands of our God! HE REIGNS!
Our thoughts and prayers remain with you!

Unknown said...

A sincere,

Yippee Yi Yo,

It's so great to hear of her progress. Still praying!

Tim N.

Nate Kern said...

We were praying for Katie, her family and her friends yesterday in church again... God is still in the miracle business!




Anonymous said...

I continue to be amazed by Katie's progress -- it is truly a miracle! I will continue to pray for Katie, those who care for her, the family & give glory to God for her continued healing.

Kristi Patterson, ING -- Norwalk

Anonymous said...

Sorry we haven't made it back up to see you all. Our prayers are with you several times a day. Keeping up with the blog as well. Praising God for his mercy and healing for Katie. We love you guys.
Greg and Cheryl

Anonymous said...

Our prayers continue to be with you! Loving on you, brother and sister in Christ!

Dan, Andrea and Delaney Brandt

(Andrea went to EBC with Kyle and Karen.)