Wednesday, July 23, 2008

update of AM

meredith here.
i was able to go and visit katie last was quite the story on how i ended up down at the can read the story at my blog site. click here to read.

i just got this information forwarded from davey, who got it from chad:

"Hey…I wanted to capture some of these things….

Meredith stopped in about 10:30 last night to pray for Katie…Katie got active & was moving around. Her last sedation was yesterday @ 4:00, she is scheduled every 8 hours, but at midnight the nurse decided to give her a lesser amount…

Slept until about 5:00 am this morning…at about 5:00 I watched “Houdini” get out of one of her restraints…it took her about 10 minutes, but she managed to wiggle her way out…

She moved around a little, would rub her head & eyes a lot…She started to interact and attempted to talk…you can tell she’s frustrated…

Here were her a few things she said …

“it’s a little confusing”...“I just don’t understand”...“it’s weird”… “hard”...“it doesn’t make sense”

I asked her if it’s hard for her to find her thoughts…she pointed at me and said “that’s good”

Also, she tried to sing a bit…I asked her if she wanted me to sing with her and I made the comment “we don’t sing” (you know our singing voices)…that got a little laugh out of her.

About 6:00 now and seems to be falling back asleep.

Woke back up at about 6:30am till 6:45…

She grabbed my hand and said…“I love you” & “you’re a good boy”

Then in the next few minutes she also told me…“you’re a good guy” and “you’re a good man”

I asked her if she knew who I was, but didn’t really answer. At one point it kind of sounded like “ke”… I’ll assume she wasn’t talking about “kyle”.

It’s 8:30am right now….

Her new nurse just came in for the morning….her name is Toby…She introduced herself and said by the way “I’ve been reading her blog”… she goes to Johnston E-free and a friend of a friend forwarded her the link…so she has been praying for Katie…she was excited to find out that she will be the one taking care of Katie today…so am I.

Katie’s resting right now." -cc
meredith here again:
when i visited last night, chad said that they were planning on the MRI for today...they are postponing the surgery to put the skull piece back on b/c there is still swelling.

so you know what to pray for prayer warriors:
focus on brain swelling & a creative miracle for that skull piece...wouldn't that give the doctors & nurses pause?!?

please pray for chad...i think he has been doing the night shift at the hospital (mostly). in my opinion, that has got to be a hard shift to have. pray for stregth for his body & a clear mind. anyone with kids knows how hard it is to focus our thoughts with little to no sleep.


paulette said...

Good morning Davey and Katie...

Meredith.. I have to agree IHOP is a awesome place to meet with God. I love the fact God is allowed too be out of the box there. Maybe one day the churches will allow him too be who he is and to allow him to move without restraits. No matter what others think he isn't looking for approval..

This a.m. I've been listening too Casting Crowns speaking of being out of the box their music arrest's the mind, heart, and soul.

So today in spite of what we see, think, or feel..

We will praise God in the storm no matter where we are

You are there you've never left are side

Were does my help come from?

It comes from our maker of heaven and earth

We will praise you in the storm...

I'm so Thankful God found us

I don't know about you but for me it's been in total darkness God shows up in my life when it's pitch black and I'm desperate...

God can be trusted..

He is the creator of the universe and he lives in you and me...


Meredith said...

Holy Spirit chills right now!

thank you for these thoughts...i wholeheartedly agree. it is almost sad that it has taken me about 30 years to realized that He can be trusted...He can, He can.

thank you for your support & prayers!

blessings, meredith

Anonymous said...

I'm laughing out loud about the singing incident. Katie and Chad should have formed a choir in that ICU. It would have brought a whole new meaning to "Make a joyful Noise unto the Lord" :-) Just kidding Chad (and Katie when you read this). You know I love you guys so much. It's so funny to hear these different descriptions because I can visualize her doing all these things. Katie was notorious for staying up to late and then rubbing her eyes and trying to "focus" in CO. I used to tease her about that all the time. Praying continuously and can't wait to tell Katie some funny stories from this. love you, Danielle Dunaway

Sodacoaster said...

i am reminded of Shannon Waxelberg's song, "All Your promises are true."

I listened and prayed...

"All Your Promises are true...
I will lift up my eyes to you.

When my heart starts to fail,
Lord Your strength will prevail."

We just can't lean on our own understanding here!! We don't understand how gigantic our God is. But I believe He is showing us right now.

Matt and Emily said...

I received a link to this site from a mutual friend...and have been catching up on your situation. My husband (who was 30 at the time) suffered a brain stem hemmorhage in September a result of a ruptured AVM that he never knew he had. It has been a long and often daunting journey to recovery these past few years, but we could not have made it without a firm foundation in God and the love and support of friends and family. If there are two things I learned it is that EVERY situation is different and God is good. Keep your chin up and your eyes focused high, and you will be sure that God will see you through.
If you ever want to talk, I'm more than happy to share in our own experience - and you can check out our blog as well:

We'll be praying for you all -
Matt & Emily Karwoski

Ankeny, IA