Thursday, July 24, 2008

update thursday--high noon

from davey:

Just saw the neurologist. Let me just say that Dr. Carlstrom is not a man of many words. We usually get about 2 mins of his time and half of that conversation is him walking out the door. Don't get me wrong, he appears very competent (not that I would really know if he was a quack), but he mostly says a few things and is off.

He has reviewed the MRI and it was not an aneurysm nor was it an AVM, the two most likely suspects for bleeding in the brain. The Dr says that its basically a dissection of her arteries in her head that have ruptured and caused the bleeding. He says that this is incredibly rare (neither he nor anyone else that he knows has ever seen it, and there isn't anything in the literature either).

He said that vision and speech are going to be her biggest struggles due to the location of the bleed. This is not a surprise to us as we have seen Katie struggle with these two things the most. So keep praying about these things.

Here is the cool part...

Toby, the nurse that has been following the blog and is a solid Christian, pulled Carlstrom aside outside the room after he left and asked him what he thought about the progress. He told her that Katie absolutely should be dead, they are all completely amazed that she is alive let alone talking and looking around. They have no explanation or answer for any of this. Don't doubt for a second that your prayers are making a huge difference and that ultimately we have the answer.

So, they are going to take out her stitches and staples and continue to let the wound heal. He has once again pushed off the replacing of the skull piece to next week. Pray that God would do a creative miracle as I want all the Dr's to really be brought to their collective knees.


Anonymous said...

the power of prayer is truely amazing, you have the prayers of Port city community church with yall..Our God is an awesome God!
Lynn Smith

Kara said...

Hello! Thank you to whoever started this blog. It is nice to get information straight from the source. I have known Katie since kindergarten, and though we haven't kept in touch, feel terrible this is happening to such a neat person. She is on the hearts of my family and extended friends. We are praying for a maricle. How greatful your family is to have such an outpouring of help from friends and family. what a blessing.
Sincerely with love,
Kara McGarvey (Weatherwax) and family.

Anonymous said...

I just read your update and what a truly amazing update. A song just came into my head as I was reading your blog. "I Stand In Awe". What an awesome God we have. Our prayers continue for Katie and your family. Steve & Barb Wilson

You are beautiful beyond description
Too marvelous for words
Too wonderful for comprehension
Like nothing ever seen or heard
Who can grasp Your infinite wisdom?
Who can fathom the depth of Your love?
You are beautiful beyond description
Majesty enthroned above *

*And I stand, I stand in awe of You
I stand, I stand in awe of You
Holy God, to whom all praise is due
I stand in awe of You.

You are beautiful beyond description
Yet God crushed You for my sin
In agony and deep affliction
Cut off that I might enter in
Who can grasp such tender compassion?
Who can fathom this mercy so free?
You are beautiful beyond description
Lamb of God who died for me *

Anonymous said...

Wow, great news and thanks for keping us updated. Of course although the initial shock is over there is much praying and trusting to do. We will continue to stand with you and Katie and family.

Your Bro,

Tim Newcome
aiken sc

Anonymous said...

We at Coldwell Banker are praying daily for you and your family. We know the power of prayer, and will continue to support you in any way we can. Our company is organizing meal, babysitting and prayers every day. The blog is the best and we have asked our Team to continue watching Katie's progress utilizing the blog. Please reach out to us for any assistance you need for you, your family and Katie.
Love to all of you.

Carolyn H.

paulette said...

Hello davey and Katy~

Davey ~If Im not mistaken Dr. Carlstom's wife drowned a few years ago driving her suv somewhere south of grand area there was flooding . She thought she could make it thru the water and didnt that would be a interesting question for the nurse who knows him. There is only one Dr. Carlstrom . Think about the pain, and suffering he went thru..That would be more than enough... He needs prayer too!

I would have too agree klye, and karen ,are both wonderful role models for the kids.I know if It were me in that situation I would feel confident having them in my home , Oh by the way kyle, and karen, do you want a teenager??? Ha! Ha! Kyle and Karen you both have love, and the patience,and the holy spirit too help see the kids through.

Thank you for the update

The angels. and the prayer warrior's, are hounding heaven!

Peace to you...

Anonymous said...

Davey even though my girlfriends or I have never met you or Katie we feel so close to you. We will continue to pray daily. Thanks again for the updates It is just amazing how many people have heard about her & continue to pray. We have people from Heartland in Ankeny, Johnston E Free and Point of Grace in Waukee. Somehow we all feel conected to your family. We are all one body in Christ. Just found out today that your nurse is a part of my best friends small group from Johnston. God is so good to bring so many together. We can't thank you enough for your updates. Robin

Anonymous said...

The prayers of the body at Ankeny Free Church are offered up daily for you.

What a privilege my wife and I had to see the family support system at Methodist on Sunday afternoon, that was amazing.

It is encouraging to read of Katie's progrss, thank you for sharing with us all.

Our prayers will continue for complete healing.

God Bless
John Colyer/Ankeny

Reagan said...

This information is so amazing! God has already performed several miracles and I am sure we'll be seeing more. Thanks for keeping us updated!

Robin said...

Praise God for this good news! We'll keep upholding you all before the throne from Denver...

Josh and Robin Elgard

Anonymous said...

I never cease to get goosebumps when I hear of and see what God does for us. What a mighty and just God we serve.

I continue to pray for all of you. Blessings and peace.

Tracy Crowe Jones, Rocheport, MO

Ronda Gentosi said...

I think of the song and of course cry as I sing it through tears of joy, "God is so good, God is so good, God is so good, He's so good to me!" Praise His Name!!!!

Scott J. Pearson said...

I'm a friend of Chad and Mindy's from their Clemson days who is also in medical school at the moment.

There is a movie and a short book on a Frenchman who struggled with a neuro situation far worse than Katie's. He had "locked-in syndrome," which left him use of little else besides an eye. A magazine editor before his accident, he dictated the book via blinking. The book and a movie are entitled The Diving Bell and the Butterfly. (I haven't seen the movie and can't vouch for its quality, though I have read many good reviews. It's in French, but English subtitles should be available on DVD.)

Katie's situation sounds like it will be far better than his. I write about this to say that there is real hope for dealing with neurological illness, provided one is willing to struggle with determination and make the most out of everything in God's creation. It sounds like God made Katie a fighter, so that's good.

Katie and everyone involved are in my thoughts and prayers.

Scott P.

Charleston, SC

Anonymous said...

I just found this through the emmause site (my husband is alumni) and started praying. Having had a lesser medical issue-that was still life threatening-(embolism) this year, my heart really goes out to all of you. You are in my prayers.

Anonymous said...

So encouraging to read these updates. I continue to pray for Katie as are so many here in Houston. I've asked friends to share the blogsite address with their friends too.

I have cancer but it's nothing compared to what Katie has been going through.

I'll also continue praying for her precious babies!

Houston, TX

Dave Wilson, CCIM said...

I found this poem last year when a good friend of mine was going through some struggles with his daughter. I found it again today and immediately thought that the words rang true today. Praying for you continually! - Dave Wilson

"I Refuse To Be Discouraged"

I refuse to be discouraged,
to be sad or to cry.
I refuse to be down-hearted
and here's the reason why,
I have a God who's Mighty,
who's Sovereign and Supreme.
I have a God who loves me, and I am on His team.

He is all Wise and Powerful,
Jehovah is His name.
Though everything is changeable,
my God remains the same.
My God knows all that's happening,
beginning to the end.
His Presence is my comfort,
He is my "Dearest Friend."

When sickness comes to weaken me,
to bring my head down low,
I call upon my Mighty God,
into His arms I go.
When circumstances threaten,
to rob me of my peace,
He draws me close unto His breast,
where all my strivings cease.

When my heart melts within me,
and weakness takes control,
He gathers me into His arms,
He soothes my heart and soul.
The great "I Am" is with me,
my life is in His hand.
The "God of Jacob" is my Hope,
it's in His strength I stand.

I refuse to be defeated,
my eyes are on my God.
He has promised to be with me,
as through this life I trod.
I'm looking past all circumstance,
to Heaven's throne above.
My prayers have reached the heart of God,
I'm resting in His love.
I give God thanks in everything,
my eyes are on His face.
The Battle's His,
the Victory mine,
He'll help me win life's race.

Group Dynamix said...

Standing up with both hands out in praise to God for His mercy. Bring them to their knees Lord!

Anonymous said...

Davey & Katie,
Still praying!!

Thanks so much for the updates!

Laura (DuCett) Anderson

Anonymous said...

I don't know Katie or Davie, but I went to Emmaus with Melea Clarkson. Any relation?

I'm so grateful for the progress Katie has made, and will continue to pray for complete healing.

My friends here in Memphis are praying, too.

~~April Fichthorn

paulette said...


Just a reminder.. The blood that Jesus shed is pumping through every vein Katy has..

God is not moved by this
He has her covered...

It's up to him...

What is are reponds too be??

Be totally helpless, and dependent on him...

As the song goes...

Nothing is too difficult for him!